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Space to Be - Celebrating the Rainbow Body with Nikhita Devi

This workshop will include the principles and theories of yoga and Indian Classical dance. Participants will be guided through a series of postures and meditations, with dance exercises designed to improve balance and coordination and blending aspects of Indian classical dance, bellydance and burlesque.

About Nikhita

Nikhita's (they/them) practice is deeply rooted in their Indian heritage, based primarily on Indian classical dance, but also draws heavily from bellydance (or raqs sharqi) and burlesque. Their dance allows them to express themself and helps them connect physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually with themself, their audience and their community. They hope that infusing the movement vocabulary of classical dance styles with the sensuality and earthiness of bellydance and burlesque will help to inspire and liberate femmes, the LGBTQ community and the South Asian community at home and abroad. 

10 April

The Somatics of Transformative Justice: embodying (self-)accountability & repair

11 May

Black and Scottish: Hear My Voice!